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Price: $349.99 - $15,998.00
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5510 has appeared in 93 unique listings.

There are currently 25 active listings, 28 sold listings, and 40 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $322,510.06

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eBay.com Click here to view 5510 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 25 27%
Sold 28 30%
Unsold 40 43%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 67 72.04%
CN 13 13.98%
HK 10 10.75%
CA 1 1.08%
MX 1 1.08%
AE 1 1.08%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
kmlk 24 25.81%
gbdtoworld-gstr 5 5.38%
njt-automation 4 4.30%
tdapro 4 4.30%
kirk_salvage 3 3.23%
nw_electronics 2 2.15%
mepenni2 2 2.15%
giantautomatic-us 2 2.15%
20tonysmoke20 2 2.15%
million_plc_parts 2 2.15%
gbdsavage 2 2.15%
plc-selksyctal 2 2.15%
gbdtous-gstr 2 2.15%
urintelligentbi 2 2.15%
bayning 2 2.15%
topelectromechanical 2 2.15%
baltisales 2 2.15%
discountplcinc 1 1.08%
industry4.0store 1 1.08%
cnautomation588 1 1.08%
gbdtoeu-hg 1 1.08%
xstars 1 1.08%
plc-center-us 1 1.08%
20jamsol02 1 1.08%
ccparts-us 1 1.08%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$322,510.06 3,467.85 2,240.00 2979.817564313343 15,998.00 349.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 49 52.69%
Used 40 43.01%
Refrubished 4 4.30%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 10 40.00%
HK 9 36.00%
CN 4 16.00%
CA 1 4.00%
MX 1 4.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
giantautomatic-us 2 8.00%
million_plc_parts 2 8.00%
gbdsavage 2 8.00%
plc-selksyctal 2 8.00%
tdapro 1 4.00%
urintelligentbi 1 4.00%
kmlk 1 4.00%
njt-automation 1 4.00%
cnautomation588 1 4.00%
ccparts-us 1 4.00%
global_industrial_supply 1 4.00%
benci2022 1 4.00%
am_industrial_supplier 1 4.00%
eldonlat5 1 4.00%
googoogoods 1 4.00%
automic_life 1 4.00%
marcihardware 1 4.00%
take_it_easy2022 1 4.00%
nbpalmetto-sales 1 4.00%
kirk_salvage 1 4.00%
bayning 1 4.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$137,211.92 3,610.84 1,400.00 0 15,998.00 399.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 22 88.00%
Used 3 12.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD A Allen Bradley 2715PT12WD PV 5510 12.1" $2,175.00 1-Dec-2024
2715P-T7CD Allen-Bradley 2715PT7CD PanelView 5510 Termina $2,991.99 29-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 2715P 7" READ $1,250.00 27-Nov-2024
Allen-Bradley 2715P-T10CD Panelview 5510 Touchscreen $700.00 27-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,648.50 26-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD 5510 Operator Terminal-AB $5,766.19 25-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,692.63 25-Nov-2024
New 2715P-T9WD Allen Bradley Ser A Panelview 5510 (1B-31) $1,599.00 25-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7WD PanelView 5510 Terminals, 7 in. Wide Display, Touch $499.99 20-Nov-2024
New Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD Panelview 5510 Ser A 12.1 in Wide Terminal US $4,725.10 20-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $599.99 18-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD 5510 Operator Terminal-AB $5,824.00 11-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,795.00 11-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD 5510 Operator Terminal-AB $5,800.70 11-Nov-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,768.62 11-Nov-2024
2715P-T12WD Allen Bradley 2715PT12WD Panelview 5510 Terminal $5,800.00 11-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,989.00 8-Nov-2024
2715P-T15CD Allen Bradley 2715PT15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal $8,990.00 8-Nov-2024
2715P-T15CD Allen Bradley Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,995.00 8-Nov-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P-T9WD Graphic Terminal, Touchscreen Wide $1,500.00 8-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 24 85.71%
CN 3 10.71%
AE 1 3.57%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
kmlk 3 10.71%
njt-automation 2 7.14%
mepenni2 2 7.14%
kirk_salvage 2 7.14%
baltisales 2 7.14%
discountplcinc 1 3.57%
xstars 1 3.57%
plc-center-us 1 3.57%
20jamsol02 1 3.57%
jimmys84z28 1 3.57%
haoshaozhi 1 3.57%
southbendindustrial 1 3.57%
infinityindustrial 1 3.57%
plc9930 1 3.57%
nw_electronics 1 3.57%
20tonysmoke20 1 3.57%
mant-dean 1 3.57%
orbitcontrol 1 3.57%
teslasolutions 1 3.57%
ssar.p.tpgdath 1 3.57%
true_texan 1 3.57%
senlin_parts 1 3.57%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$56,906.60 2,032.38 1,765.50 1220.2147480455885 4,999.99 349.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 11 39.29%
Used 15 53.57%
Refrubished 2 7.14%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Allen-Bradley 2715P-T10CD Panelview 5510 Touchscreen $700.00 27-Nov-2024
1 Allen Bradley 2715P-T7WD PanelView 5510 Terminals, 7 in. Wide Display, Touch $349.99 25-Nov-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P 10" Graphic Terminal, Touchscreen Branded... $3,500.00 22-Nov-2024
2715P-T10CD Allen-Bradley 2715PT10CD PanelView 5510 Terminal $4,500.00 22-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P 7" Graphic Termin $1,250.00 19-Nov-2024
2715P-T7WD PanelView 5510 Terminals, 7 in. Wide Display, Touch, 2715PT7WD $999.99 19-Nov-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P-T15CD SER A 15" Touch Screen HMI FOR PARTS $1,650.00 18-Nov-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P-T9WD Graphic Terminal, Touchscreen Wide $1,500.00 17-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD A Allen Bradley 2715 Panelview 5510 15" Display $1,050.00 7-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CA /A PanelView 5510 2715P 7" Graphic Terminal 2018 AB USA $899.99 27-Oct-2024
2715P-T15CD Allen Bradley Series A PanelView 5510 Operator Panel Unused Surplus $3,240.00 24-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley Panelview 5510 2715P-T7CD HMI $700.00 21-Oct-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P 12" Graphic Terminal, Touchscreen Wide... $2,000.00 17-Oct-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P-T10CD HMI $800.00 15-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Operator Terminal $499.99 9-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD A Allen Bradley 2715 Panelview 5510 15" Display $2,240.00 9-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T19CD / 2715PT19CD Ser A Panelview 5510 - 1 Year Warranty $1,999.99 5-Oct-2024
2715P-T15CD Allen Bradley Series A PanelView 5510 Operator Panel Unused Surplus $3,240.00 2-Oct-2024
Allen-Bradley PanelView 5510 2715P 9" Graphic Terminal, Touchscreen Wide Branded $950.00 22-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 33 82.50%
CN 6 15.00%
HK 1 2.50%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
kmlk 20 50.00%
gbdtoworld-gstr 5 12.50%
tdapro 3 7.50%
gbdtous-gstr 2 5.00%
topelectromechanical 2 5.00%
gbdtoeu-hg 1 2.50%
nw_electronics 1 2.50%
20tonysmoke20 1 2.50%
industry4.0store 1 2.50%
arkabelle 1 2.50%
urintelligentbi 1 2.50%
bayning 1 2.50%
njt-automation 1 2.50%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$148,357.81 3,708.95 1,425.00 3683.2175734729462 15,998.00 399.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 16 40.00%
Used 22 55.00%
Refrubished 2 5.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,795.00 17-Dec-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,692.63 10-Dec-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD 5510 Operator Terminal-AB $5,766.19 10-Dec-2024
NEW Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD $8,648.50 10-Dec-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD A Allen Bradley 2715PT12WD PV 5510 12.1" $2,175.00 8-Dec-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD AB PanelView 5510 Graphic Terminal AB 2715P-T12WD-AB $5,888.00 4-Dec-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7WD PanelView 5510 Terminals, 7 in. Wide Display, Touch $499.99 26-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $399.99 21-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7WD PanelView 5510 Terminals, 7 in. Wide Display, Touch $599.99 20-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $599.99 19-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD A Allen Bradley 2715 Panelview 5510 15" Display $1,450.00 7-Nov-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD AB PanelView 5510 Graphic Terminal AB 2715P-T12WD(NEW) $4,140.32 29-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T15CD Panelview 5510 Terminal 2715PT15CD(NEW) $9,502.30 22-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Operator Terminal $1,200.00 9-Oct-2024
1 Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $599.99 9-Oct-2024
1 Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $799.99 8-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Operator Terminal $699.99 8-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T12WD 5510 Operator Terminal-NEW AB $3,684.54 8-Oct-2024
Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Operator Terminal $999.99 6-Oct-2024
1 Allen Bradley 2715P-T7CD /A PanelView 5510 6.5" DC Touchscreen Terminal $1,099.99 5-Oct-2024
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