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Price: $4,172.35 - $4,760.76
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KEY/TOUCH ENET 2711PB12C4D8 has appeared in 45 unique listings.

There are currently 16 active listings, 0 sold listings, and 29 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $198,752.50

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view KEY/TOUCH ENET 2711PB12C4D8 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 16 36%
Sold 0 0%
Unsold 29 64%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 41 91.11%
HK 4 8.89%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
angrplcuga_uu 6 13.33%
wier-automation 5 11.11%
psscxatlc_ofc22 4 8.89%
plc-selksyctal 3 6.67%
automation-smes 3 6.67%
dosupplystore 3 6.67%
airdayer 2 4.44%
plc-top 2 4.44%
plc-siemenss 2 4.44%
rabplc 2 4.44%
powerplc 2 4.44%
szdamy 2 4.44%
chipsgatee 2 4.44%
zhengangiepanpan 2 4.44%
galaxy-plc 1 2.22%
pyo_thetelsieme 1 2.22%
plcenter 1 2.22%
ahead-plc 1 2.22%
oz_luck7plc 1 2.22%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$198,752.50 4,416.72 4,437.33 181.40437615557968 4,760.76 4,172.35
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 45 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 15 93.75%
HK 1 6.25%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
angrplcuga_uu 3 18.75%
wier-automation 2 12.50%
zhengangiepanpan 2 12.50%
psscxatlc_ofc22 1 6.25%
plc-selksyctal 1 6.25%
airdayer 1 6.25%
galaxy-plc 1 6.25%
szdamy 1 6.25%
automation-smes 1 6.25%
chipsgatee 1 6.25%
dosupplystore 1 6.25%
plcenter 1 6.25%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$110,454.72 4,418.19 4,437.33 0 4,742.92 4,181.97
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 16 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,187.79 2-Dec-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,290.81 29-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,671.75 28-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,181.97 27-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,290.81 26-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,646.64 25-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,650.82 12-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,466.63 12-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,172.35 11-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,172.35 8-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,546.17 8-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,604.78 8-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,458.26 8-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,311.74 30-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,282.44 28-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,458.26 23-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,742.92 23-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,500.12 18-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,188.93 15-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,307.56 14-Oct-2024


No Sold Listings
There are no sold listings for this tag.


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 26 89.66%
HK 3 10.34%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
wier-automation 3 10.34%
angrplcuga_uu 3 10.34%
psscxatlc_ofc22 3 10.34%
plc-top 2 6.90%
automation-smes 2 6.90%
dosupplystore 2 6.90%
plc-siemenss 2 6.90%
rabplc 2 6.90%
powerplc 2 6.90%
plc-selksyctal 2 6.90%
airdayer 1 3.45%
szdamy 1 3.45%
pyo_thetelsieme 1 3.45%
chipsgatee 1 3.45%
ahead-plc 1 3.45%
oz_luck7plc 1 3.45%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$128,250.20 4,422.42 4,437.33 181.8411383774885 4,760.76 4,181.97
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 29 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,187.79 13-Dec-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,290.81 12-Dec-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,181.97 4-Dec-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,604.78 28-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,458.26 26-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,282.44 25-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,742.92 19-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,188.93 13-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,307.56 12-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,479.19 11-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,311.74 7-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,500.12 5-Nov-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,458.26 27-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,282.44 25-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,416.40 24-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,742.92 23-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,634.08 15-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,600.59 14-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,554.54 8-Oct-2024
ALLEN BRADLEY 2711P-B12C4D8 /A PanelView Plus 1250 KEY/TOUCH ENet 2711PB12C4D8 $4,483.38 27-Sep-2024
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